Snooker Representative - David Bloor
Snooker room representative responsibilities
Empty the light meters weekly and then pay in the contents monthly at month's end:
Oversee the signing in book :
Ensure there are signing-in sheets for members to use; templates are below.
Ensure members are signing in when there.
Overview of the snooker room to ensure it is in order :
Inspect for signs of damage.
Complete maintenance if appropriate or raise accordingly.
Replace the battery in the clock when required.
Maintain the tables :
Brush & iron them (suggested every other week).
Check the rests & in particular their “feet” which are the little plastic ends to ensure they are there & secure/screwed in properly. Without these, the rest could damage the cloth.
Check the rest hooks on the tables to ensure they are secure (as they do become loose).
Clean the balls when necessary with the special ball cleaner in particular the cue balls which do become dirty with chalk marks from use.
Arrange for new clothes to be fitted to the tables as & when required.
Maintain the snooker equipment :
Re-tip where necessary any club cues and the long cues.
Repair any damaged rests etc.
Maintain the snooker lights
Replace the light bulbs when required.
Maintain the scoreboard
Replace the light bulbs inside them when required.
Address any rule changes that may be (1) required or (2) suggested by members :
If necessary bring proposed rule changes up at the next management meeting.
Once agreed communicate to the members accordingly in the signing-in book.
Create notices and display them in the snooker room.
Amend any existing notices.
Should any maintenance be required on the snooker tables or light meters then contact:
Dion at Cheadle Snooker on 07784 351692
Dave Bloor
19th Sept 2024