Membership Secretary - Andy Stockley
maintain/update the TVC database, recording new Members and existing Members (including car reg. nos.). Note that the MS is the only one to have, maintain and guard the main database under General Data Protection Regulations.
The MS must have means of regularly backing up all TVC data (spreadsheets, letters, Forms etc.). {Kingston DataTraveller100 G3 – blue dot on it, with a blue key tag marked “TVC”}
Collect all Membership Subscription fees and maintain an up-to-date record of all Membership monies received for Audit purposes. The MS is required to have access to the Bank Account online.
Pay in any receipts to the TVC main Bank Account (with NatWest Bank), using the Club’s paying-in book.
liaise with Ipark on car reg. nos. for Members and Hall Hirers (email
arrange interviews with new Applicants.
send out emails (to those Members who have provided emails) to provide info. on behalf of the Club, Bowling or Social Committees (social/bowling/snooker updates/events etc.).
attend Club Meetings (every 2 months) and AGM.
Provide the Bowling Secretary with the relevant necessary info. on those playing In TVC League teams, to register those players.
these duties are active throughout the year, and include regular checking of the TVC email account, as online enquiries on the website for Membership are sent directly to the TVC email account.
maintain and send out Application Forms. Keep a regular supply of Application Forms in the Pavilion.
arrange interviews with new Applicants. The evening of the 4th Monday in each month is usually reserved for the Snooker Rep. and the MS to interview snooker Applicants at the Club. Bowling-only Applicants are encouraged instead to attend 3 Sunday Socials to participate and meet various Committee Members before being approved.
Once approved, send out letter/Forms/Rules/key as appropriate. Inform IPark. See the “Checklist Procedure (New Members) “note on how & where details are to be processed/recorded.
these duties are at their busiest from mid-November till the following end of February.
subscription fees for the following year are normally set at the November Committee. All renewal letters with information to be then prepared with a 1st December date on them.
as many as possible to be circulated at the Christmas party at the start of December. As many as possible of others to be then hand delivered by Members. Remainder (usually longer distance) ones to go in post – beware, Christmas time!!
record all incoming monies (cash, cheques, BACS). See the “Procedures Checklist (Existing/Renewing Members)” note on how & where receipts are to be processed/recorded.
any cash/cheques received before 31st December should be retained and not paid into the bank until after 1st January for accounting purposes (the TVC Membership year is from 1st January each year).
chase up anyone who has not paid by 1st February. After that date, if no response despite reminders etc., delete their data from the database, including car reg. nos. (inform IPark by email).
Produced 23/09/2024
(this can be found under the Folder “TVC Membership (latest date)” and then Folder “Procedures Checklists”
Enquiries for Membership can be received in person, but a lot are online (these come through Virgin email account (password WA157UT268).
“TVC Application Form February 2024” must have “TVC GDPR Privacy Notice Revised 2021” attached. These, together with the “Gift Aid Form” and any other Forms are in Folder “TVC Membership (date)”
1) If the Application Form is only received. Send letter out advising of Subscription fees etc. (All letters kept on the computer, under folder “TVC Membership (date)”; then folder “Letters New Members (year)”).
2) If Money received following 1) above, or Money & Application Form received together:-
2.1) Arrange an interview with 2 Committee members (normally Snooker Rep. and Membership Secretary) for Snooker players in the evening of the 4th Monday of the month. If Bowlers, invite down to 3 Sunday Socials as Guest.
2.2) Once accepted, enter details in the Pukka Pad Receipt Book, following the consecutive Payment Nos. (e.g.49/2020) in the top right-hand corner.*
2.3) On the computer, under the folder “TVC Membership (date)”; “TVC Receipts & Database for (year)”; Excel worksheet “ALL Membership List Receipts (year)” insert a new line and enter a name, year, Payment No. (used in Pukka Pad), amount paid, method of payment (cheque, cash or Bank Transfer).*
2.4) Go back to 2.3)and find the Excel worksheet “(year) Membership Database”. Enter all data supplied on the Application Form, including car reg. no.
3) Send a letter to acknowledge receipt and send appropriate Forms, car sticker, key etc. (All previous types of letters found as in 1) above). See the next page for items to send.
4) Update the 2 vehicle reg. nos. lists (Folder “Vehicle reg. nos (date)” and sends an email to the Car Parking Company with vehicle reg. no. only ( no name) to be put on the Approved List.
4) Enter in brown paper covered book (“Membership Apps. To Management Comm. for Approval”). Book to be taken to next available TVC Committee meeting, to be signed for Approval.
5) Application Form to be then filled in at the bottom with details of Payment No., cheque details/cash received, letters/forms/key/car sticker sent, Car Park Co. informed and when.
6) Update the Address Book in emails by adding the new Member(s).
7) Back up all data regularly on a memory stick.
[* These locations include details on not only New Members but also existing/renewing Members. e.g. 2.3) & 2.4) are used to cross-check the total no. of Club Members at any one time.]
Forms etc to be sent when Membership accepted {all found in Folder “TVC Membership (date)”}:-
Snooker:- TVC Club Rules; Snooker Members Rules October 2023; Snooker Access; Car Sticker (if relevant).
Bowling:- TVC Club Rules; key (if paid for); Sunday Social calendar; Car Sticker (if relevant)
N.B Some may join for both Snooker & Bowling, so the combination of forms is needed.
Original prepared June 2020. Updated 24/05/2021 Updated 22/04/2024 24/07/2024
Updated 23/09/2024
(this can be found under the Folder “TVC Membership (latest date)” and then Folder “Procedures Checklists”
T.V.C. Committee (November) will decide next year’s Subscription Fees.
1) Prepare a Renewal letter. See Folder “TVC Membership (date)”;
Folder “Renewals (year)”; Word “Membership Renewal fees (year)” for a template letter.
Use mail merge (labels) in Word (using the Membership database for addresses).2) Get the list of attendees for the Christmas party (held in early December). Hand deliver to those at the party. The remaining letters are to be hand-delivered to the address if possible, otherwise, post out.
2) When monies are received for Renewals, follow the procedure as for new Members i.e.:-
Enter details in the Pukka Pad Receipt Book, following consecutive Payment No. (e.g.49/2020) in the top right-hand corner.*
On the computer, under the folder “TVC Membership (date)”; “TVC Receipts & Database (year)”; Excel worksheet “ALL Membership List Receipts (year)” find the name and enter, where appropriate, Payment No. (used in Pukka Pad), amount paid, method of payment (e.g. cheque, cash, Bank Transfer)*
Renewing Members are already on the main database, but check to update if personal data has changed (e.g. address, email, car reg. no.).
Back up all data regularly on a memory stick.
Pukka Pad Receipt Pad mixes Renewing Members with New Members.
Original prepared June 2020. Updated 24/05.2021 Updated 22/04/2024 23/09/2024