Lettings Secretary - Les Duce
All keys are stored in a Black Key Folder which is in the boot of my car. There is also a folder containing sheets for the user to sign agreeing to our Liability Insurance terms.
The front door code is 2637 enter
The Room keys for the Club Room, Snooker Room and Upstairs Hall are kept in Lock Boxes at each doorway. The Lock Box Codes are Club Room 2635, Upstairs Hall 2639 and the Snooker Room 2638. Mike Okell has spare padlocks and tethers but, the tethered keys in the lock boxes would need to be changed. To replace the tether if needed unscrew the internal securing screws and refix the tether before re-screwing.
Kitchen Cupboards - all keys are numbered each cupboard uses a different key both upstairs and downstairs. All locks are mastered. The master key is on my keyring.
Keys for the Old Committee Room (Faux Beauty) and the Clare Tanner Storage Room of the Upstairs Landing are held by the users with spares in the Black Key Folder
The red mailbox in the Foyer key is again in the Black Key Folder this mailbox in the Foyer and the one in the Bowling Pavilion are not mastered but both boxes are keyed alike.
For the Downstairs Fire Door, I have a key but no spare, Mike Okell has a key. The door that can be opened from the inside with a crash bar arrangement.
For the Upstairs Fire Door, I have no key, Mike Okell does. The door that can be opened from the inside with a crash bar arrangement.
The Wi-Fi Router is in the Back Utility Room on the window ledge with wi-fi extenders mounted in the Club Room and Bowling Pavilion.
WiFi Code 9c26e84969
Wireless Hub BTHub5-QM29
Admin Password 39MEN4EN
Diary Management
Maintain a monthly record of hours used by each user through the bookings diary to raise a monthly invoice for each user.
In case of an emergency, the diary can be accessed by, Sue Gardner can use my Apple ID to unlock it and print it out if needed.
There is also below a Schedule Plan which is also displayed in the Village Hall and Bowling Pavilion.
Promote the Village Hall and maintain a full diary to ensure effective income.
Liaise with users about their bookings via email, text, or phone.
Deal with any Web Room Enquiry Forms which come in from the website.
Moderate any disputes between users.
Act as the users' representative on the management committee, advocating for their interests.
Monitor the Village Hall and report any defects or repairs to the Wardens. Follow up as needed.
Manage and maintain the kitchen cupboards (both upstairs and downstairs), the storage room, and storage cupboards in the changing area.
Maintaining and updating printed signs around the building along with a Schedule Planner to show each room's usage.
I have pushed most users to pay by internet banking but there are still some that pay by cheque. Access would be needed to the NatWest account, as I find the easiest way to pay them into the account is to use the NatWest app and photograph the cheque you can deposit it that way. The Post Office no longer accepts cash or money to deposit unless the depositor has a Bank Card with a bar code that can be scanned.
Monitor Cameras and iPads and coordinate with iPark Services when cameras need resets or software updates. Also, deal with iPark with parking problems with Users. (Andy deals with members' problems).
Invoicing, in my opinion, would be the most difficult task for someone else to take over in an emergency. I use FileMaker Pro, a programme in which I’ve created an invoice system to manage invoices, payments, and receipts.
Here’s how it works:
It generates invoices using data from the digital bookings diary. It emails the invoice to the customer and records the information. When payment is received, a receipt is issued.
The system tracks invoices and payments, showing which users have paid and which haven’t, along with the number of users and invoices issued.
This data is presented in a printed report to the management committee at each meeting.
All the above needs to be managed every month.
it also enables us to see the forecast for the following month, providing a small preview of expected revenue in advance.
FileMaker Pro is an expensive program. I use a single-license version, and expanding it for another user would be costly. It’s a Mac/PC program, so transitioning to a PC would present challenges although these could probably be overcome.
Therefore, the options are:
Purchase an additional FileMaker Pro license,
Purchase an alternative accounting package.
Revert to manual invoicing.
All previous invoices are printed and stored in a white binder at home. If they aren’t here, they’ll be with the accountant.
All paying in books and photographed cheques are here at home. Each user’s details, including rent, booking dates, and repeat cycles, are stored in a blue folder at home.
Both invoices and user details are also stored digitally and can be accessed from my MacBook by Sue Gardner.
iPark Services
The iPark system consists of two cameras mounted on the building, covering the exit and entrance, and three iPads: one in the Bowling Pavilion, and two in the Village Hall (one in the front foyer, and one near the downstairs rear fire exit). There is also a control box near the entrance camera, installed outside to allow engineers access without needing to enter the Village Hall.
The cameras sometimes trip and need resetting. This can be done by turning them off at the fuse box under the main stairs in the front foyer. There are two fuse boxes; one of the switches is labelled "CCTV." Turn it off, wait 30 seconds, then switch it back on. You can then ring Abbie at iPark Services or email Connor Benson again at iPark Services (don't ring Connor he is based in Mexico it costs a fortune).
Contact details for both are below.
Abbie Moffay Mobile 07735 628229.
Connor Benson email conner@iparksmart.org.
Andy Stockley also has all the contact details for iPark Services and also maintains the car park whitelist, showing which users are entitled to park without needing to interface with the iPads.
The iPads are standard Apple devices running Mac OS and can be updated like any other iPad. The iPark app, Kiosk, operates the parking system and can be downloaded from the Apple App Store if reinstallation is required. However, it’s not very user-friendly, so it’s best to contact iPark for assistance with updates or new installations. Each iPad must be updated individually since the app runs locally on each device, not from a server.
Access Information for iPark Services installed iPads:
Initial Screen Lock Code (all iPads): 2110
Lock Code to access Kiosk software (varies per iPad)
iPad in the Bowling Pavilion - Password: O65C16
iPad in the Village Hall (by the back fire exit door) - Password: 8E545C
iPad in the foyer of the Village Hall - Password: O9AC6C